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Map of Budapest topographic: elevation and relief map of Budapest

You can find on this page the Budapest topographic map to print and to download in PDF. The Budapest elevation map present the topography, river and relief of Budapest in Hungary.

Budapest elevation map

The Budapest topographic map shows elevation, hills and landforms in Budapest. This elevation map of Budapest will allow you to know topography, river and relief of Budapest in Hungary. The Budapest topographic map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The 525 km2 area of Budapest lies in central Hungary surrounded by settlements of the agglomeration in Pest county. The capital extends 25 and 29 kilometers in the north-south, east-west direction respectively. The Danube enters the city from the north; later it encircles two islands, Óbuda Island and Margaret Island. The third island Csepel Island is the largest of the Budapest Danube islands, however only its northernmost tip is within city limits. The river that separates the two parts of the city is only 230 m (755 ft) wide at its narrowest point in Budapest as you can see in Budapest elevation map. Pest lies on the flat terrain of the Great Plain while Buda is rather hilly. Pest terrain rises with a slight eastward gradient, so the easternmost parts of the city lie at the same altitude as Buda smallest hills, notably Gellért Hill and Castle Hill. The Buda hills consist mainly of limestone and dolomite, the water created speleothems, the most famous ones being the Pálvölgyi cave and the Szemlőhegyi cave. The hills were formed in the Triassic Era. The highest point of the hills and of Budapest is János hill, at 527 metres (1,729 ft) above sea level. The lowest point is the line of the Danube which is 96 metres (315 ft) above sea level. The forests of Buda hills are environmentally protected.

It is true that Budapest is a bustling metropolis of 2,000,000 people, but luckily, it is easy to escape from the cars, the crowds and the suffocating world of commerce. So lets travel to Buda, and use the Chairlift to get to the highest point of Budapest, where the 529-metre high János Hill lookout tower provides an amazing view of not only the city but entire Pest County. You should choose a nice, sunny day to do this, because the better the weather, the farther you can see from the hill. To get there, take bus nr. 158 from Moszkva tér to the terminal in Zugliget, and take the Chairlift as its shown in Budapest elevation map. After a 15-minute upwards gliding, you arrive to the top, from where it is another 5 minutes walk to the lookout tower. This part of Budapest is a strictly protected natural reserve area, so make sure not to litter (heavy fines). When all space runs out on your camera memory card, take the Chairlift and the bus back into the downtown area.

Castle Hill, which is 551 feet (168 meters) above sea level and crowned by the restored Buda Castle, is in a central location as its mentioned in Budapest elevation map. A steep limestone escarpment known as Gellért Hill overlooking the Danube lies south of Castle Hill, and has the Citadel, built in the nineteenth century. Rose Hill, which is to the north of Castle Hill, is where Hungary elite own homes. Margaret Island is a mile-long park with hotels and swimming pools. The Danube enters the city from the north, and is only 755 feet (230 meters) wide at its narrowest point. The river, which regularly flooded Pest before controls were installed in the nineteenth century, has become heavily contaminated. Air pollution afflicts most districts in Pest.